01 November 2007


The last two months, saw a welcoming return of some good friends from the past. "Puppy Olivia" made a surprise comeback after working for some time in Vietnam. Wish her the best & hope she has a good time as I had when I worked there for four years. Below, a cute Puppy with the Boss.

Another long standing good friend & supporter of Veteran's Cafe is Edmund Allard, who was my early batch of clients from year 2000 when I first started this pub.

Veteran's cafe also welcomed return of some friends from Sabah and Kuala Lumpur. Photograph below, left to right, Buntal Misbun(Sandakan), Crazy Hans(K.L.), VP, Alex(Papar), Reena & Paul.

These also brought back memories of my good friends in Louisiana, USA who visited me last year. The only sad point being, their father, Joey Fontenot passed away in Labuan. Below shows L to R, Ally, Ashley mother Janet and Angela. They have visited Labuan twice, fell in love with the friendly people of Malaysia & will be back to Labuan again. We in Veteran's miss you and look forward to your coming back to this beautiful island.

Ally below, is also my adopted daughter, something I am sure the late Joey is happy about.


October 15th, also saw my daughter, Sarah Ann celebrating her 21st birthday, shedding some sweet tears in between the cutting of the cake and thanking friends who celebrated the function with her.

Teddy, the saxaphonist from KK came in for the night. to play along with Dilbagh and David. A special thanks to the musicians for thir support. Thank you guys especially Teddy.

Sarah had the home made cake she wanted, thanks to MUM

Sarah with proud Dad & good friend Finian

Supporting acts from Mark & Viknesh

Jane, Dad & Sarah
I wish my daughter the best and to all my friends, a big thank you.


To all friends who visit the blog, thank you and keep in touch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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